Fused Glass Advent Calendar


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I’m so excited to share this project with you.  An advent calendar with its 25 drawers filled with a fused glass lovely make.  The calendar itself is solid wood with 25 little drawers which we will paint and create glass numbers for each drawer.  The best part though is creating each little used glass gift/decoration for the drawers.  There will be full instructions for each decoration made (if you want to go off-plan that’s fine, but there maybe an extra charge for glass).  We will be creating charms and decorations such as Christmas tree, wreath, Christmas pud as well as little charms to your design The cost of this workshop includes all the materials, drawer unit and glass (see above), or just the materials and glass.  Retail of the advent calendar is going to be £140, so this is a great option to make your own and use year after year (just come back and make some different gifts!).

This is a full day workshop on Friday 8th November from 10-4.00pm.  Refreshments will be available throughout, but do bring a packed lunch or pop to one of the local cafes or shops.  Cost is £80 with the wooden drawers or £65 for just the 24 decorations.

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with wooden drawers and 24 decorations, 24 decorations only